†subfamily Leioceratinae Spath 1936 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Graphoceratidae

Parent taxon: Graphoceratidae according to M. K. Howarth 2013

Sister taxa: Ancolioceras, Cordubiceras, Graphoceratinae

Subtaxa: Canavarella Costileioceras Cylicoceras Leioceras Staufenia

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Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Jurassic of Canada (4: Yukon collections), France (5), Germany (45), Hungary (20), Iran (3), Italy (9), Luxembourg (1), Morocco (1), Spain (11), Tunisia (3), Ukraine (2), the United Kingdom (9)

Total: 113 collections including 189 occurrences

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