Insecta - Ephemerida - Mesephemeridae
Alternative combinations: Termes lithophilus, Tineites lithophilus
Full reference: E. F. Germar. 1842. Beschreibung einiger neuen fossilen Insecten I. in den lithographischen Schiefern von Bayern und II. im Schieferthon des Steinkohlen-Gebirges von Wettin. Beiträge zur Petrefacten-Kunde 5:79-94
Belongs to Mesephemera according to G. Demoulin 1955
See also Germar 1842, Hagen 1862 and Handlirsch 1906
Sister taxa: Mesephemera prisca, Mesephemera procera
Type specimen: Its type locality is Solnhofen (BSPGM Munich coll), which is in a Tithonian lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal lime mudstone in the Solnhofen Formation of Germany
Distribution: found only at Solnhofen (BSPGM Munich coll)
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