Reptilia - Testudines - Protostegidae
Full reference: H. A. Longman. 1915. On a giant turtle from the Queensland Lower Cretaceous. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 3:24-29
Belongs to Cratochelone according to B. P. Kear 2006
See also Fordyce 1991, Gaffney 1981, Longman 1915, Martin and Rauhut 2005 and Poropat et al. 2023
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: QM F14550, a partial skeleton (Fragmentary associated postcranial elements including: proximal sections of left humerus, radius, and ulna; articular portions of left scapula and coracoid; lef). Its type locality is Cratochelone type, Sylvania Station [PROXY], which is in an Albian marine horizon in the Toolebuc Formation of Australia.
Ecology: aquatic omnivore
Distribution: found only at Cratochelone type, Sylvania Station [PROXY]
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