Eumorbaeschna adriankini Bechly and Kin 2013 (true dragonfly)

Insecta - Odonata - Eumorbaeschnidae

Full reference: G. Bechly and A. Kin. 2013. First record of the fossil dragonfly family Eumorbaeschnidae from the Upper Jurassic of Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 58:121-124

Belongs to Eumorbaeschna according to G. Bechly and A. Kin 2013

Sister taxon: Eumorbaeschna jurassica

Type specimen: ZPAL J1/O-B1, a forewing. Its type locality is Owadów‐Brzezinki quarry, Corbulomima horizon (Unit III), which is in a Tithonian lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal limestone in the Kcynia Formation of Poland.

Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore

Distribution: found only at Owadów‐Brzezinki quarry, Corbulomima horizon (Unit III)

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