Plagioblatta flexuosa Cockerell 1918

Insecta - Blattodea - Archimylacridae

Alternative combination: Atimoblatta flexuosa

Full reference: T. D. A. Cockerell. 1918. New species of North American fossil beetles, cockroaches, and tsetse flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 54:301-311

Belongs to Plagioblatta according to C. J. Durden 1984

See also Cockerell 1918 and Handlirsch 1922

Sister taxa: Plagioblatta cockerelli, Plagioblatta parallela

Type specimen: USNM 64348, a tegmen. Its type locality is Humphreys clay pit, Port Barnett, which is in a Westphalian D terrestrial siliciclastic in the Pottsville Formation of Pennsylvania.

Distribution: found only at Humphreys clay pit, Port Barnett

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