Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) botuli Meunier 1904

Insecta - Diptera - Sciaridae

Alternative combinations: Leptosciarella botuli, Sciara botuli, Trichosia (Leptosciarella) botuli

Synonyms: Sciara sendelina Meunier 1904, Sciara tanypeza Meunier 1899, Trichosia (Leptosciarella) tanypeza Meunier 1899

Full reference: F. Meunier. 1904. Monographie des Cecidomyidae, des Sciaridae, des Mycetophilidae et des Chironomidae de l'ambre de la Baltique. Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles 28:12-275

Belongs to Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) according to W. Mohrig and F. Röschmann 2005

See also Evenhuis 1994, Menzel and Mohrig 2000, Meunier 1899, Meunier 1904, Mohrig and Röschmann 1994 and Röschmann and Mohrig 1995

Sister taxa: Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) infausta, Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) macrociliata, Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) manifesta, Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) microacantha, Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) microciliata, Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) orientalis, Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) protorotunda, Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) pseudorecens, Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) resinae, Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) tertiaria

Type specimens:


• Eocene of Germany (3 collections), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (2)

Total: 6 collections including 8 occurrences

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