Brachypogon (Isohelea) Kieffer 1917 (biting midge)
Insecta - Diptera - Ceratopogonidae
Alternative spelling: Isohelea
Parent taxon: Brachypogon according to A. Borkent and P. Dominiak 2020
See also Borkent 2013, Borkent and Wirth 1997, Solórzano Kraemer 2007, Szadziewski 1988 and Szadziewski and Grogan 1996
Sister taxa: Brachypogon (Brachypogon), Brachypogon balticus
Subtaxa: Brachypogon (Isohelea) dominicanus Brachypogon (Isohelea) henningseni Brachypogon (Isohelea) polonicus Brachypogon (Isohelea) prominuloides Brachypogon (Isohelea) prominulus
• Miocene of the Dominican Republic (5 collections), Mexico (2)
• Eocene of Denmark (1), Germany (1), Poland (3), the Russian Federation (4), Ukraine (2)
Total: 18 collections including 29 occurrences