Leptoconops (Leptoconops) zherikhini Szadziewski and Arillo 2003 (biting midge)

Insecta - Diptera - Ceratopogonidae

Alternative combination: Leptoconops zherikhini

Full reference: R. Szadziewski and A. Arillo. 2003. The oldest fossil record of the extant subgenus Leptoconops (Leptoconops) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 46(Suppl):271-275

Belongs to Leptoconops (Leptoconops) according to A. Borkent and P. Dominiak 2020

See also Arillo et al. 2008, Borkent 2013, Szadziewski 2018 and Szadziewski and Arillo 2003

Sister taxa: Leptoconops (Leptoconops) boreus, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) burmiticus, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) clava, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) copiosus, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) curvachelus, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) daugeroni, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) ellenbergeri, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) gravesi, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) myanmaricus, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) nosopheris, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) primaevus, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) rossi, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) rovnensis, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) sibiricus, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) subrossicus, Leptoconops (Leptoconops) succineus

Type specimen: MCNA 9176, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is PeƱacerrada outcrop I, which is in an Albian terrestrial amber in the Escucha Formation of Spain.



• Cretaceous of Spain (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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