Tubucellaria d'Orbigny 1852 (bryozoan)

Gymnolaemata - Cheilostomata - Tubucellariidae

Parent taxon: Tubucellariidae according to R. S. Bassler 1953

See also Bock 2006, Brown 1956, Brown 1958, Sepkoski 2002 and Stach 1936

Sister taxa: Siphonicytara, Tubiporella, Tubucella

Subtaxa: Tubucellaria cereoides Tubucellaria hirsuta Tubucellaria opuntioides

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Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Quaternary of United States (6: California collections)

• Pliocene of Australia (3)

• Miocene to Oligocene of Australia (1)

• Miocene of Saudi Arabia (1)

• Oligocene of Germany (1), Oman (1), United States (9: Alabama, Mississippi)

• Eocene of United States (10: Alabama, Florida)

• Cenozoic of Australia (2)

Total: 34 collections including 38 occurrences

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