Small mesodont rodent with three oblique sigmoidal crests on molars, describing an S. Cuspate when unworn. Metalophule/metalophulid developements variable; three or four crests on p4. Variation in loph or cusp development common, specially along anteroposterior midline. Lophs on labial side of upper and lingual side of lowers barely separated, merge into continuos wall with wear. Enamel relatively thik. Reentrants remain wide with wear. M3 small.
Etymology: In reference to its small size and general resemblance to the Santacrucian genus Scleromys Ameghino 1887
Full reference: A. H. Walton. 1990. Rodents of the La Venta Fauna, Miocene, Colombia: Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmentl implications. Southern Methodist University 1-147
Parent taxon: Chinchilloidea according to M. Boivin et al. 2021
See also Walton 1990
Sister taxa: Borikenomys, Dinomyidae, Garridomys, Heptaxodontidae, Loncolicu, Maquiamys, Neoepiblemidae, Niedemys, Saremmys, Ucayalimys
Subtaxa: Microscleromys cribriphilus Microscleromys paradoxalis
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
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