Eudaemonema bohachae Scott et al. 2013 (placental)

Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Mixodectidae

Full reference: C. S. Scott, D. N. Spivak, and A. R. Sweet. 2013. First mammals from the Paleocene Porcupine Hills Formation of southwestern Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 50:355-378

Belongs to Eudaemonema according to C. S. Scott et al. 2013

Sister taxa: Eudaemonema cuspidata, Eudaemonema webbi

Type specimen: TMP 2011.090.0005, a mandible (Incomplete left dentary with m2). Its type locality is Narcissus (TMP locality L2395), which is in a Torrejonian channel lag sandstone/claystone in the Porcupine Hills Formation of Canada.

Ecology: scansorial insectivore


• Paleocene of Canada (4: Alberta collections)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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