Craniops Hall 1859 (lamp shell)

Craniata - Craniopsida - Craniopsidae

Synonym: Pholidops Hall 1859

Parent taxon: Craniopsidae according to A. Williams et al. 2000

See also Cocks 2019, Hall 1859 and Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Discinopsis, Lingulapholis, Paracraniops, Pseudopholidops, Wrightiops

Subtaxa: Craniops hamiltoniae Craniops popovi Craniops pristina Craniops subtruncata Pholidops bellula Pholidops ovatus Pholidops subtruncata

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Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Carboniferous of Canada (1: Alberta collection)

• Devonian of Argentina (1), Australia (5), Brazil (6), Canada (3: New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec), China (1), Colombia (1), United States (51: Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia)

• Jaani of Estonia (2), Lithuania (2)

• Silurian of Australia (2), Brazil (1), Canada (7: Ontario, Québec), China (1), the Czech Republic (3), Estonia (3), Ireland (1), Latvia (2), Lithuania (25), Mexico (5), the Russian Federation (2), Sweden (5), the United Kingdom (48), United States (38: California, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan and Ohio, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee)

• Ordovician of Canada (20: Ontario, Quebec), Sweden (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (52: Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Virginia)

Total: 290 collections including 292 occurrences

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