Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Trematosauridae
Full reference: J. W. Cosgriff and N. K. Garbutt. 1972. Erythrobatrachus noonkanbahensis, a trematosaurid species from the Blina Shale. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 55(1):5-18
Belongs to Erythrobatrachus according to R. Schoch and A. R. Milner 2000
See also Cosgriff and Garbutt 1972 and Poropat et al. 2023
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: WAM 62.1.46, a partial skull (Internal matrix cast of the central portion of a skull). Its type locality is UCMP V6044m Blina Station, which is in an Induan/Olenekian deltaic shale in the Blina Shale Formation of Australia.
Ecology: amphibious carnivore
Distribution: found only at UCMP V6044m Blina Station
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