Obolellata - Obolellida - Obolellidae
Full reference: E. Billings. 1861. On some new or little known species of Lower Silurian fossils from the Potsdam group (Primordial zone). Palaeozoic Fossils 1(1):1-18
Parent taxon: Obolellidae according to A. Williams et al. 2000
See also Bengtson 1992, Geyer 1994 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Bicia, Brevipelta, Ivshinella, Magnicanalis
Subtaxa: Obolella asiatica Obolella atlantica Obolella chromatica Obolella crassa Obolella discoidea Obolella excelsis Obolella mexicana Obolella vermilionensis
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Ordovician of United States (1: Nevada collection)
• Cambrian of Canada (3: Newfoundland and Labrador), China (1), Greenland (10), India (1), Norway (1), the Russian Federation (4), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), United States (13: California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York)
• Caerfai of United States (1: New York)
Total: 36 collections including 42 occurrences
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