Schizophoria (Schizophoria) impressa Hall 1843 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Schizophoriidae

Alternative combinations: Orthis (Schizophoria) impressa, Orthis impressa

Full reference: J. Hall. 1843. Geology of New York. Part IV, comprising the survey of the fourth geological district. Natural History of New York 4:1-683

Belongs to Schizophoria (Schizophoria) according to A. L. Stigall Rode 2005

See also Calvin 1897, Hall 1843 and Walcott 1884

Sister taxa: Schizophoria (Schizophoria) australis, Schizophoria (Schizophoria) chouteauensis, Schizophoria (Schizophoria) iowensis, Schizophoria (Schizophoria) macfarlanii, Schizophoria (Schizophoria) magna, Schizophoria (Schizophoria) swallovi

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Devonian of United States (44: Iowa, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia collections)

• Niagaran of United States (1: Ohio)

Total: 45 collections each including a single occurrence

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