Dytiscus miocenicus Lewis and Gundersen 1987 (predaceous diving beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera - Dytiscidae

Full reference: S. E. Lewis and R. W. Gundersen. 1987. A new species of fossil Coleoptera (Dytiscidae) from the Oviatt Creek fossil locality (Miocene) of the Clearwater National Forest of northern Idaho. Occasional Papers in Paleobiology St Cloud State University 1:1-9

Belongs to Dytiscus according to S. E. Lewis and R. W. Gundersen 1987

Sister taxa: Dytiscus avunculus, Dytiscus lapponicus, Dytiscus latahensis, Dytiscus lavateri, Dytiscus marginalis, Dytiscus marginicollis, Dytiscus zersii

Type specimen: UINM T-1005, an elytra. Its type locality is Oviatt Creek Site (P-35), which is in a Langhian lacustrine - small claystone in the Latah Formation of Idaho.


Distribution: found only at Oviatt Creek Site (P-35)

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