Tribe Trichocerini Kertész 1902 (winter crane fly)

Insecta - Diptera - Trichoceridae

Full reference: K. Kertész. 1902. Catalogus Dipterorum Hucusque Descriptorum. Volumen II. Cecidomyiidae, Limnobiidae, Tipulidae, Cylindrotomidae 1-357

Parent taxon: Trichocerinae according to E. Krzemińska and E. Lukashevich 2018

See also Gentilini 1986 and Krzemińska et al. 2009

Sister taxon: Nothotrichocerini

Subtaxa: Cladoneura Eotrichocera Karatina Mailotrichocera Paleotrichocera Rasnitsynina Trichocera

View classification

Type: Trichocera



• Miocene of Italy (1 collection), the Russian Federation (1), Switzerland (1)

• Oligocene of Germany (2)

• Eocene of Germany (1), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (3), United States (1: Colorado)

• Cretaceous of Mongolia (1), the Russian Federation (4), the United Kingdom (1)

• Jurassic of China (5), Germany (2), Kazakhstan (4), Kyrgyzstan (1), Mongolia (1), the Russian Federation (6)

Total: 37 collections including 64 occurrences

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