Superfamily Phalangioidea Latreille 1802 (harvestman)

Arachnida - Opiliones

Full reference: P. A. Latreille. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Crustacés et des Insectes, Tome Troisième 1-467

Parent taxon: Eupnoi according to J. A. Dunlop et al. 2013

Sister taxa: Brigantibunum, Caddoidea, Daohugopilio, Kustarachne, Macrogyion, Tyrannobunus

Subtaxa: Petrunkevitchiana Phalangiidae Sclerosomatidae

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• Miocene of Spain (1 collection)

• Oligocene of France (1)

• Eocene of Germany (2), Poland (6), the Russian Federation (5), United States (3: Colorado)

• Cretaceous of Myanmar (1)

• Jurassic of China (2)

Total: 21 collections including 31 occurrences

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