Jiangxisaurus ganzhouensis Wei et al. 2013 (maniraptoran)

Reptilia - Theropoda - Oviraptoridae

Full reference: X. Wei, H. Pu, L. Xu, D. Liu, and J. 2013. A new oviraptorid dinosaur (Theropoda: Oviraptorosauria) from the Late Cretaceous of Jiangxi Province, southern China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 87(4):899-904

Belongs to Jiangxisaurus according to X. Wei et al. 2013

See also Funston 2020, Lamanna et al. 2014, Lee et al. 2019, Norell et al. 2018 and Wang et al. 2016

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: HGM41HIII0421, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is Longling Town, Nankang, which is in a Maastrichtian terrestrial sandstone in China.

Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore

Distribution: found only at Longling Town, Nankang

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