Cephalopoda - Ceratitida - Ceratitidae
Full reference: Q. G. Gu, G. X. He, and Y. G. Wang. 1980. Discovery of the late Anisian Paraceratites trinodosus fauna (Ammonoidea) from Doilungdeqen, Tibet and its significance. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 19:343-356
Belongs to Parakellnerites according to Q. G. Gu et al. 1980
Sister taxa: Parakellnerites boeckhi, Parakellnerites costatus, Parakellnerites frauenfelderi, Parakellnerites hungaricus, Parakellnerites involutus, Parakellnerites lhasaensis, Parakellnerites loczyi, Parakellnerites rothpletzi, Parakellnerites stuerzenbaumi, Parakellnerites waageni, Parakellnerites zoniaensis
Type specimen: NIGP 52059. Its type locality is Qiusang hot springs, Locality 841f, Deqen, Doilungdeqen County, which is in an Illyrian carbonate limestone in the Chaqupu Formation of China.
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
Distribution: found only at Qiusang hot springs, Locality 841f, Deqen, Doilungdeqen County
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