Platyperla marquati Gallego et al. 2011 (stonefly)

Insecta - Plecoptera - Platyperlidae

Full reference: O. F. Gallego, N. D. Sinitshenkova, R. G. Martins-Neto and M. B. Lara. 2011. Taxonomic names, in The most ancient Platyperlidae (Insecta, Perlida=Plecoptera) from early Late Triassic deposits in southern South America. Ameghiniana 48:447-461

Belongs to Platyperla according to O. F. Gallego et al. 2011

Sister taxa: Platyperla admissa, Platyperla caudiculata, Platyperla conferta, Platyperla kingi, Platyperla mendosa, Platyperla parricidalis, Platyperla platypoda, Platyperla propera, Platyperla rigida

Type specimen: MCNAM-PI 24312, a nymph. Its type locality is Puesto Miguez (MCNAM collection), which is in a Carnian fluvial shale in the Potrerillos Formation of Argentina.

Ecology: volant detritivore-omnivore

Distribution: found only at Puesto Miguez (MCNAM collection)

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