Insecta - Coleoptera - Schizocoleidae
Invalid subtaxa: Lobites Dunstan 1923 [replaced name], Shijingocoleus Lin and Mou 1989
Full reference: F. M. Carpenter. 1986. Substitute names for some extinct genera of fossil insects. Psyche 92:575-582
Parent taxon: Schizocoleidae according to S. K. Martin 2010
See also Bellamy 2008, Carpenter 1986, Jarzembowski et al. 2012 and Lin and Mou 1989
Sister taxa: Aenigmocoleus, Argentinosyne, Mesosagrites, Metrorhynchites, Mimemala, Pseudochrysomelites, Reeveana, Schizocoleus, Shepherdia, Stegosyne, Uskatocoleus
Subtaxa: Mesolobites granulatus Mesolobites margacrispus Mesolobites punctatoides Mesolobites quadripartita Mesolobites tenuiclathrata Mesolobites trivittatus Mesolobites tuberculatus
• Jurassic of Australia (1 collection)
• Triassic of Australia (2), China (2)
Total: 5 collections including 9 occurrences
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