Insecta - Coleoptera - Gyrinidae
Alternative spelling: Enhydrini
Synonym: Dineutini Desmarest 1851 [replaced name]
Full reference: C. Branden. 1882. Revue Coléoptérologique, Première Année 1-48
Parent taxon: Gyrininae according to P. Bouchard and Y. Bousquet 2020
See also Bouchard et al. 2011, Gustafson et al. 2020, Gustafson and Miller 2013, Gustafson and Miller 2017 and Liang et al. 2020
Sister taxa: Chimerogyrus, Gyrinini, Orectochilini
Subtaxa: Angarogyrus Baissogyrus Cretodineutus Cretogyrus Cretotortor Dineutina Dineutus Mesodineutes Mesogyrus Miodineutes
• Miocene of Germany (1 collection)
• Paleocene of the Russian Federation (1)
• Cretaceous of Kazakhstan (1), Mongolia (2), Myanmar (2), the Russian Federation (5), the United Kingdom (1)
• Jurassic of Kazakhstan (1), Luxembourg (1), Mongolia (1), the Russian Federation (3)
Total: 19 collections including 23 occurrences