†Silpha stratuum Germar 1837 (rove beetle)
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Insecta - Coleoptera - Staphylinidae
Full reference: E. F. Germar. 1837. Insectorum protogaeae specimen sistens insecta carbonum fossilium. Fauna Insectorum Europae 19
Belongs to Silpha according to E. F. Germar 1837
Sister taxa: Silpha beutenmuelleri, Silpha colorata, Silpha obscura, Silpha obsoleta, Silpha perforata, Silpha tricostata, Silpha tristis
Type specimen: Its type locality is Orsberg (Goldfuss Bonn collection), which is in a MP 30 lacustrine - large shale in the Rott Formation of Germany
Distribution: found only at Orsberg (Goldfuss Bonn collection)
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