Baumgartneria szarvaskoensis Ozsvárt and Kovács 2012 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Spumellaria - Oertlispongidae

Full reference: P. Ozsvárt and S. Kovács. 2012. Revised Middle and Late Triassic radiolarian ages for ophiolite mélanges: implications for the geodynamic evolution of the northern part of the early Mesozoic Neotethyan subbasins. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 183(4):273-286

Belongs to Baumgartneria according to P. Ozsvárt and S. Kovács 2012

Sister taxa: Baumgartneria ambigua, Baumgartneria bifurcata, Baumgartneria omanensis, Baumgartneria retrospina, Baumgartneria trifurcata

Type specimen: plate II, figs. 19-20. Its type locality is Malom-hegy, Szarvaskő Complex, which is in an Illyrian/Carnian marine radiolarite in Hungary.

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore

Distribution: found only at Malom-hegy, Szarvaskő Complex

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