Insecta - Blattodea - Compsoblattidae
Alternative combinations: Blattina anaglyptica, Compsoblatta analglyptica, Etoblattina anaglyptica, Phyloblatta anaglyptica
Synonyms: Blattina carbonaria Germar 1851, Etoblattina carbonaria Germar 1851, Phyloblatta carbonaria Germar 1851, Phyloblatta hochecornei Schlechtendal 1906, Phyloblatta lenta Schlechtendal 1906, Sysciophlebia signata Schlechtendal 1906, Sysciophlebia tenera Schlechtendal 1906
Full reference: E. F. Germar. 1842. Beschreibung einiger neuen fossilen Insecten I. in den lithographischen Schiefern von Bayern und II. im Schieferthon des Steinkohlen-Gebirges von Wettin. Beiträge zur Petrefacten-Kunde 5:79-94
Belongs to Compsoblatta according to J. Schneider 1983
See also Geinitz 1875, Germar 1842, Germar 1851, Handlirsch 1906, Handlirsch 1920, Handlirsch 1922, Heer 1864, Schlechtendal 1906, Schneider 1978, Scudder 1879, Simon 1971 and von Schlechtendal 1913
Sister taxa: Compsoblatta anthracophila, Compsoblatta couloni, Compsoblatta frankei, Compsoblatta mangoldti, Compsoblatta nobilis, Compsoblatta ovata, Compsoblatta plana
Type specimens:
- Compsoblatta anaglyptica: MH 18, a tegmen. Its type locality is Wettin, which is in a Stephanian C terrestrial shale in the Ottweiler Stufe Formation of Germany.
- Blattina carbonaria: Its type locality is Wettin, which is in a Stephanian C terrestrial shale in the Ottweiler Stufe Formation of Germany.
- Phyloblatta hochecornei: Its type locality is Löbejün, which is in a Stephanian C terrestrial shale in the Ottweiler Stufe Formation of Germany.
- Phyloblatta lenta: Its type locality is Wettin, which is in a Stephanian C terrestrial shale in the Ottweiler Stufe Formation of Germany.
- Sysciophlebia signata: Its type locality is Wettin, which is in a Stephanian C terrestrial shale in the Ottweiler Stufe Formation of Germany.
- Sysciophlebia tenera: Its type locality is Wettin, which is in a Stephanian C terrestrial shale in the Ottweiler Stufe Formation of Germany.
• Carboniferous of Germany (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections including 8 occurrences
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