Triaenodes balticus Wichard and Barnard 2005 (long-horned caddisfly)

Insecta - Trichoptera - Leptoceridae

Full reference: W. Wichard and P. C. Barnard. 2005. Köcherfliegen im Baltischen Bernstein - 5. Nachweis der Gattung Triaenodes (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae). Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 89:149-158

Belongs to Triaenodes according to W. Wichard 2013

See also Wichard and Barnard 2005

Sister taxa: Triaenodes fossilis, Triaenodes simoni

Type specimen: Its type locality is Baltic amber (BMNH coll), which is in a Priabonian terrestrial amber in the Russian Federation


Distribution: found only at Baltic amber (BMNH coll)

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