1997 Crinoide sp. indet B.; Hauser 1997: 15, 179180, pl. 75: 4, 5.
2001 Crinoide sp. indet B. Cystoidea; Hauser 2001: 151.
2010 Cystoidee sp. indet. aff. Caryocrinites sp.; Hauser 2010: 19, figs.
47a, b.
2010 Caryocrinus [sic] ornatus&8722;Formenkreis.; Hauser 2010: 19, figs.
47a, b.
2010 Cystoidea sp. indet. aff. Caryocrinites ornatus Say, 1825 For&8722;
menkreis; Hauser 2010: 41, pl. 8: 810.
Full reference: E. Nardin and J. Bohatý. 2013. A new pleurocystitid blastozoan from the Middle Devonian of the Eifel (Germany) and its phylogenetic importance. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 58(3):533-544
Belongs to Regulaecystis according to E. Nardin and J. Bohatý 2013
Sister taxon: Regulaecystis pleurocystoides
Type specimen: GIK−2276 (incomplete theca showing most of the abanal face connected to the proximal stem). Its type locality is Locality 3, “Schurf 3”, south of Brühlborn, which is in an Eifelian perireef or subreef wackestone/marl in the Junkerberg Formation of Germany.
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Devonian of Germany (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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