Cheirocystis fultonensis Sumrall and Schumacher 2002

Rhombifera - Cheirocrinidae

Glyptocystites fultonensis Caster et al. (1955) pl. 2, fig. 22, herein Fig. 3.5)

Full reference: C. D. Sumrall and G. A. Schumacher. 2002. Cheirocystis fultonensis, a new glyptocystitoid rhombiferan from the Upper Ordovician of the Cincinnati Arch - comments on cheirorinid ontogeny. Journal of Paleontology 76(5):843-851

Belongs to Cheirocystis according to C. D. Sumrall and G. A. Schumacher 2002

Sister taxa: Cheirocystis anatiformis, Cheirocystis ardmorensis, Cheirocystis liexiensis, Cheirocystis radiatus

Type specimen: CMC-P50402. Its type locality is Road-cut along Kentucky Route 1159 just south of the Alexandria to Ashland Hwy, which is in an Edenian carbonate packstone in the Kope Formation of Kentucky.

Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Road-cut along Kentucky Route 1159 just south of the Alexandria to Ashland Hwy

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