Caldasia cretacea Martins-Neto and Vulcano 1989 (lacewing)

Insecta - Neuroptera - Myrmeleontoidae

Full reference: R. G. Martins-Neto and M. A. Vulcano. 1989. Neurópteros (Insecta, Planipennia) da Formação Santana (Cretáceo Inferior), Bacia do Araripe, nordeste do Brasil. II. Superfamília Myrmeleontoidea. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 33:367-402

Belongs to Caldasia according to R. G. Martins-Neto 2002

See also Martins-Neto 1997, Martins-Neto 2000, Martins-Neto and Vulcano 1989 and Martins-Neto and Vulcano 1989

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: CV-2076, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Crato (Vulcano collection), which is in an Aptian lacustrine - large carbonate in the Crato Formation of Brazil.


Distribution: found only at Crato (Vulcano collection)

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