Homoeorhynchia sepahanensis Baeza-Carratalá and Sepehriannasab 2014 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Rhynchonellidae

Full reference: J. F. Baeza-Carratalá and B. Sepehriannasab. 2014. Early Jurassic (latest Toarcian) brachiopods from the northeastern margin of the Western Tethys (Central Iran) and their paleobiogeographical significance. Geobios 47:3-17

Belongs to Homoeorhynchia according to J. F. Baeza-Carratalá and B. Sepehriannasab 2014

Sister taxa: Homoeorhynchia acuta, Homoeorhynchia batalleri, Homoeorhynchia bolinensis, Homoeorhynchia capitulata, Homoeorhynchia cynocephala, Homoeorhynchia cynoprosopa, Homoeorhynchia lubrica, Homoeorhynchia lusitanica, Homoeorhynchia meridionalis, Homoeorhynchia moorei, Homoeorhynchia prona, Homoeorhynchia ptinoides, Homoeorhynchia solitaria, Homoeorhynchia webbi, Slovenirhynchia maninensis, Slovenirhynchia slovenica

Type specimen: DCTMA I.H.21. Its type locality is Laluk Mountain, which is in a Toarcian open shallow subtidal limestone in Iran.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Laluk Mountain

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