Myriapoda - Euphoberiida - Euphoberiidae
Full reference: A. Fritsch. 1899. Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Permformation Böhmens. Vierter Band, Heft I. Arthropoda (Hexapoda, Myriopoda) 1-32
Belongs to Euphoberia according to S. Štamberg and J. Zajíc 2008
See also Fritsch 1899
Sister taxa: Euphoberia absens, Euphoberia anguilla, Euphoberia armigera, Euphoberia brownii, Euphoberia carri, Euphoberia cuspidata, Euphoberia ferox, Euphoberia flabellata, Euphoberia granosa, Euphoberia horrida, Euphoberia hystricosa, Euphoberia lithanthracis, Euphoberia simplex, Euphoberia spinulosa, Euphoberia tracta, Euphoberia varians
Type specimen: CGH M 1013. Its type locality is Nýřany (Insect Collection), which is in a Moscovian lacustrine siliciclastic in the Kladno Formation of the Czech Republic.
Distribution: found only at Nýřany (Insect Collection)
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