Subfamily Stenochiinae Kirby 1837

Insecta - Coleoptera - Tenebrionidae

Alternative spelling: Stenochiadae

Full reference: W. Kirby. 1837. The insects. Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America: Containing Descriptions of the Objects of Natural History Collected on the Late Northern Land Expeditions, under Command of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N 4:1-325

Parent taxon: Tenebrionidae according to M. V. Nabozhenko and T. Tanaka 2022

See also Bouchard et al. 2011, Bouchard et al. 2021, Bousquet et al. 2018, Cai et al. 2022 and Nabozhenko 2019

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Anthracohelops Caryosoma Cnodalonini Eodromus Mimohelops Parakeleusticus Pseudohelops Pyrochalcaspis

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• Miocene of the Dominican Republic (3 collections), Germany (1), Japan (1), Switzerland (1)

• Eocene of Germany (2)

• Paleocene of Greenland (1)

Total: 9 collections including 23 occurrences

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