Subioblatta undulata Papier et al. 1994 (winged insect)

Insecta - Dicondylia - Subioblattidae

Full reference: F. Papier, L. Grauvogel-Stamm, and A. Nel. 1994. Subioblatta undulata n. sp., une nouvelle blatte (Subioblattidae Schneider) du Buntsandstein supérieur (Anisien) des Vosges (France). Morphologie, systématique et affinités. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1994:277-290

Belongs to Subioblatta according to F. Papier et al. 1994

Sister taxa: Subioblatta madygenica, Subioblatta recta, Subioblatta tongchuanensis

Type specimen: Grauvogel-Gall 8958, a tegmen. Its type locality is Gottenhouse, which is in an Aegean delta plain claystone/siltstone in the Grès à Voltzia Formation of France.


Distribution: found only at Gottenhouse

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