Tyrannophontes acanthocercus Jenner et al. 1998 (mantis shrimp)

Malacostraca - Stomatopoda - Tyrannophontidae

Full reference: R. A. Jenner, C. H. J. Hof, and F. R. Schram. 1998. Palaeo- and archaeostomatopods (Hoplocarida, Crustacea) from the Bear Gulch Limestone, Mississippian (Namurian), of Central Montana. Contributions to Zoology 67(3):155-185

Belongs to Tyrannophontes according to R. A. Jenner et al. 1998

Sister taxon: Tyrannophontes theridion

Type specimen: Its type locality is Carnegie Museum locality SL 574, which is in a Chesterian lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal limestone in the Heath Formation of Montana

Ecology: epifaunal omnivore

Distribution: found only at Carnegie Museum locality SL 574

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