Cretacechorista qilianshanensis Hong et al. 1989 (cockroach)

Insecta - Blattaria - Raphidiomimidae

Full reference: Y. C. Hong, D. S. Yan, and D. R. Wang. 1989. Discovery of Early Cretaceous Cretacechorista gen. nov. Insecta: Mecoptera from Jiuquan basin Gansu Province. Memoirs of Beijing Natural History Museum 44:1-9

Belongs to Cretacechorista according to Y. C. Hong et al. 1989

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: Its type locality is Qilianshan Mountains, 10 km southeast of Yumen, which is in an Aptian lacustrine - large shale in the Xiagou Formation of China

Ecology: fast-moving volant insectivore-carnivore

Distribution: found only at Qilianshan Mountains, 10 km southeast of Yumen

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