†Praeleptosphinctes Westermann 1956 (ammonite)
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Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Perisphinctidae
Alternative spelling: Leptosphinctes (Praeleptosphinctes)
Parent taxon: Leptosphinctinae according to G. E. G. Westermann and A. C. Riccardi 1982
Sister taxa: Leptosphinctes, Lobosphinctes, Planisphinctes, Stephanosphinctes, Vermisphinctes
Subtaxa: Praeleptosphinctes jaworskii
Type: Leptosphinctes (Praeleptosphinctes) jaworskii
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Distribution: found only at Locality 18, section XII, horizon 2, Cerro Tricolor (Jurassic of Argentina)
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