Rhynchonelloidea lineata Young and Bird 1828 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Rhynchonellidae

Alternative combination: Terebratula lineata

Synonyms: Rhynchonella beneckei Haas and Petri 1882, Terebratula bidens Phillips 1829, Terebratula triplicata Phillips 1829

Belongs to Rhynchonelloidea according to D. V. Ager 1956

See also Siblik 1967

Sister taxa: Rhynchonelloidea (Aalenirhynchia), Rhynchonelloidea angulata, Rhynchonelloidea curvivarians, Rhynchonelloidea cynica, Rhynchonelloidea formalis, Rhynchonelloidea goyi, Rhynchonelloidea ruthenensis, Rhynchonelloidea subangulata, Rhynchonelloidea varians

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Jurassic of Slovakia (1 collection), the United Kingdom (6)

Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence

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