Phylum Euglenophyta (euglenoides)
Parent taxon: Eukaryota according to E. Taylor et al. 2008
Sister taxa: Acritarcha, Allonema, Archaeplastida, Birrindudutuba, Changchengia, Chlorobiota, Chromalveolata, Chromista, Conglobocella, Dictyosphaera, Dinophyta, Filinexum, Gigantosphaeridium, Glossophyton, Kamolineata, Limbunyasphaera, Palaeosiphonella, Plantae, Protista, Protozoa, Prymnesiophyta, Rhizopodea, Sarcomastigophora, Satka, Siphonoseptum, Spiromorpha, Stramenopila, Tappania, Tuanshanzia, Valeria
Subtaxa: none
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Euglenophyta in the database