Trilobita - Proetida - Tropidocoryphidae
Alternative combination: Proetus decorus
Belongs to Decoroproetus according to A. W. Owen and D. A. T. Harper 1982
See also Owen 1981, Owen and Bruton 1980, Owens 1970 and Ć najdr 1980
Sister taxa: Decoroproetus (Decoroproetus), Decoroproetus asellus, Decoroproetus bodae, Decoroproetus brevifrons, Decoroproetus concentricus, Decoroproetus corycoeus, Decoroproetus evexus, Decoroproetus farragatus, Decoroproetus fearnsidesi, Decoroproetus furubergensis, Decoroproetus gyratus, Decoroproetus jamesoni, Decoroproetus papyraceus, Decoroproetus planulatus, Decoroproetus reussi, Decoroproetus scrobiculatus, Decoroproetus solenotus, Decoroproetus subornatus, Proetidella ardmillanensis
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder
• Silurian of the Czech Republic (10 collections), Morocco (1)
Total: 11 collections each including a single occurrence
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