Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Basiliolidae
Full reference: V. P. Kamyshan. 1973. Taxonomic names, in Middle Jurassic and Upper Jurassic brachiopods of the north-west Caucasus and Mountain Crimea. Vysha Shkola of the University of Kharkov 1-176
Belongs to Pseudogibbirhynchia according to V. P. Kamyshan 1973
Sister taxa: Pseudogibbirhynchia bothenhamptonensis, Pseudogibbirhynchia chiemiensis, Pseudogibbirhynchia globosa, Pseudogibbirhynchia jurensis, Pseudogibbirhynchia migatschovae, Pseudogibbirhynchia moorei, Pseudogibbirhynchia mutans, Pseudogibbirhynchia nuciformis, Pseudogibbirhynchia plena, Pseudogibbirhynchia plicata, Pseudogibbirhynchia praedifformis, Pseudogibbirhynchia pressula, Pseudogibbirhynchia rostellata, Pseudogibbirhynchia rostrata, Pseudogibbirhynchia varians
Type specimen: No. 6/476. Its type locality is Between Urup and Bizhgon (Murchisonae), which is in a Murchisonae marine ironstone in the Russian Federation.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Jurassic of the Russian Federation (4 collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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