Rhactorhynchia subquadriplicata Kamyshan 1973 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Tetrarhynchiidae

Full reference: V. P. Kamyshan. 1973. Taxonomic names, in Middle Jurassic and Upper Jurassic brachiopods of the north-west Caucasus and Mountain Crimea. Vysha Shkola of the University of Kharkov 1-176

Belongs to Rhactorhynchia according to V. P. Kamyshan 1973

Sister taxa: Rhactorhynchia albertensis, Rhactorhynchia borissjaki, Rhactorhynchia brevis, Rhactorhynchia diffusa, Rhactorhynchia distracta, Rhactorhynchia grigorievi, Rhactorhynchia gurovi, Rhactorhynchia hampenensis, Rhactorhynchia humilis, Rhactorhynchia impar, Rhactorhynchia lauta, Rhactorhynchia lutugini, Rhactorhynchia oscolica, Rhactorhynchia pinguis, Rhactorhynchia quadriplicata, Rhactorhynchia regalis, Rhactorhynchia rhacta, Rhactorhynchia subtetrahedra, Rhactorhynchia termieri, Rhactorhynchia trigona, Rhactorhynchia tumefacta, Rhactorhynchia turgidula, Rhactorhynchia voluta

Type specimen: No. 6/2248. Its type locality is Between the Bolshaya Laba and Urup Rivers (Sauzei), which is in a Sauzei carbonate limestone in the Russian Federation.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Jurassic of the Russian Federation (4 collections)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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