Willershausenia strausi Jordan 1969 (broad-headed bug)

Insecta - Hemiptera - Alydidae

Alternative combination: Nabis strausi

Full reference: K. H. C. Jordan. 1969. Eine neue terrestrische Wanze aus dem Pliozän von Willershausen. Bericht der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover 113:107-108

Belongs to Willershausenia according to Y. A. Popov 2007

See also Jordan 1969

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: GZG 16950, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Willershausen clay pit (GZG collection), which is in a Piacenzian pond marl in Germany.


Distribution: found only at Willershausen clay pit (GZG collection)

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