Bivalvia - Pectinida - Pectinoidae
Full reference: M. Aberhan. 1998. Early Jurassic Bivalvia of western Canada. Part I. Subclasses Palaeotaxodonta, Pteriomorpha, and Isofilibranchia. Beringeria 21:57-150
Belongs to Ochotochlamys according to M. Aberhan 1998
Sister taxa: Chlamys (Ochotochlamys) gizhigensis, Chlamys (Ochotochlamys) korkodonensis, Chlamys (Ochotochlamys) noricus, Ochotochlamys bureiensis, Ochotochlamys polubotkae, Ochotochlamys senotrussovi
Type specimen: GSC 112534, a valve (right valve). Its type locality is GSC loc. C-80802 - Graham Island, which is in a Pliensbachian marine siliciclastic in the Maude Formation of Canada.
Ecology: facultatively mobile low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Jurassic of Canada (32: British Columbia collections)
Total: 32 collections each including a single occurrence
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