Parastrophinella reversa Billings 1857 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Pentamerida - Parastrophinidae

Alternative combinations: Camerella reversa, Parastrophia reversa, Parastrophinella reversus, Pentamerus reversus

Belongs to Parastrophinella according to J. Jin and P. Copper 2000

See also Billings 1857, Billings 1866, Owen and Harper 1982 and Schuchert and Cooper 1932

Sister taxa: Parastrophinella cirrita, Parastrophinella thraivensis, Parastrophinella youngi

Type specimen: GSC 2281c

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Silurian of Canada (3: Québec collections)

• Ordovician to Silurian of Canada (1: Québec)

• Ordovician of Canada (9: Quebec, Québec)

Total: 13 collections each including a single occurrence

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