Electrapis (Euglossopteryx) Dehon and Engel 2014

Insecta - Hymenoptera - Apidae

Alternative spelling: Euglossopteryx

Full reference: M. Dehon and M. S. Engel. 2014. Taxonomic names, in Wing shape of four new bee fossils (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) provides insights to bee evolution. PLoS One 9(10):e108865

Parent taxon: Electrapis according to M. S. Engel 2021

See also Dehon and Engel 2014

Sister taxa: Electrapis (Eckfeldapis), Electrapis (Electrapis), Electrapis (Melikertes), Electrapis (Mesomelissa), Electrapis meliponoides

Subtaxa: Electrapis (Euglossopteryx) biesmeijeri

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Distribution: found only at Green River, Uinta Basin (Eocene of Utah)

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