†Kafirnigania sulcata Kats 1962 (lamp shell)
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Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Dallinidae
Full reference: Y. I. Kats. 1962. New genera of Late Cretaceous brachiopods of the Tadzhik depression and adjacent regions. Zapiski Geologicheskogo Otdeleniya Kharkovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 15:132-154
Belongs to Kafirnigania according to Y. I. Kats 1962
Sister taxa: Kafirnigania babatagensis, Kafirnigania pentangulata
Type specimen: No. 4--771/1. Its type locality is Babatag, which is in a Turonian carbonate limestone in Uzbekistan.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Babatag
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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