Tribe Syrphini Latreille 1802 (hover fly)

Insecta - Diptera - Syrphidae

Full reference: P. A. Latreille. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Crustacés et des Insectes, Tome Troisième 1-467

Parent taxon: Syrphinae according to X. Mengual et al. 2015

See also Hull 1949

Sister taxa: Bacchini, Eoxanthandrus, Protochrysotoxum

Subtaxa: Asarcina Asarkina Epistrophe Eupeodes Leucozona Syrphus

View classification

Type: Syrphus



• Blancan of United States (1: Texas collection)

• Miocene of Croatia (2), Italy (1)

• Oligocene of France (1), Germany (2)

• Eocene of United States (12: Colorado, Wyoming)

Total: 19 collections including 24 occurrences

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