Valhallites taymiricus Shimanskiy 1967 (mollusk)

Cephalopoda - Nautilida - Koninckioceratidae

Full reference: V. N. Shimanskiy. 1967. Kammenougol'nye Nautilida. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 115:1-258

Belongs to Valhallites according to V. N. Shimanskiy 1967

Sister taxa: Valhallites boreus, Valhallites kashirtzevi, Valhallites ornatus, Valhallites sakhaensis, Valhallites tuberculatus, Valhallites westforkensis

Type specimen: PIN 1904/1, a shell. Its type locality is Argillitoviy Brook, Outcrop 97, Bed P, Taimyr Peninsula, which is in a Roadian marine siliciclastic in the Sokolin Formation of the Russian Federation.

Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore

Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 65.0

Distribution: found only at Argillitoviy Brook, Outcrop 97, Bed P, Taimyr Peninsula

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