†Nebria fossilis Piton 1935 (ground beetle)
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Insecta - Coleoptera - Carabidae
Full reference: L. Piton. 1935. Taxonomic names, in La faune entomologique des gisements Mio-Pliocènes du Massif Central. Revue des Sciences Naturelles d'Auvergne (N. S.) 1:65-104
Belongs to Nebria according to L. Piton 1935
Sister taxa: Nebria brevicollis, Nebria frigida, Nebria metallica, Nebria nivalis, Nebria pluto, Nebria rufescens, Nebria sahlbergi, Nebria tisiphone
Type specimen: Station Limnologiue de Besse 2, an elytra. Its type locality is Varennes near Lac Chambon, which is in a Gelasian crater lake horizon in France.
Distribution: found only at Varennes near Lac Chambon
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